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Bad Breath Or Halitosis - Its Causes, Prevention, And Treatment

We all are familiar with the disease of Bad Breath. It is amongst the most widespread dental issues which are experienced by humans. Bad breath is also known as halitosis. 
Some of the cases of bad breath are due to an unclean mouth, or it may occur due to disorders in the nose, stomach or lungs.
Bad Breath
A person suffering from bad breath would have an unpleasant odor in his/her mouth. Bad breath can occur to anyone, especially to the people who are always in a hurry and don't have time to take care of their oral hygiene.

Causes Of Bad Breath

There are many causes of bad breath. Some of the causes are as follows:
     Bad breath can be caused due to tonsillitis or tonsil stones. Due to the presence of an infection in the tonsils, a person can experience bad breath.
     Inflammation of the nasal sinuses can cause bad breath. It can even occur from an infection in the nasal sinuses. Based on the type of infection, bad breath can be either a short-term or a long-term issue.
     A person suffering from regular gas or acidity problems, which indicates a weak digestive system, can lead to bad breath. Having gas or acidity problems results in air moving upward through the esophagus which causes burping and bad breath.
     Bad breath can even be due to a genetic cause. The disease fish-odor syndrome is a genetic disease that results in body odor and bad breath.
     People who are addicted to drugs or intake lots of medicine because of a medical condition can suffer from bad breath as the smell of the medicines stays in the mouth that results in the generation of an unpleasant odor.

Symptoms Of Bad Breath

An unpleasant odor from the mouth can diagnose bad breath. If one doubts having bad breath, then he/she should consult a dentist immediately. The dentist will have a sniff of the breath and then ask questions regarding diet and the medicines consumed.
A person can experience bad breath without even knowing about it. It is necessary that one should always have a regular dentist appointment. Dentists from all around the world especially Aurora Dentist, Dr. Bob Dokhanchi, always suggest for a routine dental checkup to have healthy dental hygiene.

Prevention Of Bad Breath

To prevent bad breath, one should always follow these necessary steps:
   Brush your teeth twice a day as it helps in removing the remains of food that gets stuck between the teeth and causes many diseases including bad breath.
     Clean your tongue as the tongue is also a part of the mouth and is equally responsible for bad breath if it's not cleaned properly.
   After brushing, use mouthwash as it keeps the mouth fresh for a long time.
     Avoid smoking and taking strong beverages as they often make the mouth dry and also leaves an unpleasant odor.
     Make a dentist check-up a regular part of your life as it limits the occurrence of oral diseases.
Dental Check-Up
     Never chew a pencil or pen while writing or reading as the chemicals and plastic can harm you and may even cause infections in the mouth leading to bad breath.

Treatment Of Bad Breath

The cause of bad breath in turn also helps to identify the treatment. If bad breath is caused due to medical conditions, then there are treatments specifically for those medical conditions. 
While if bad breath is caused due to genuine cases, then the dentist would tell the person to have regular appointments and would provide some medicinal help.
Even if a person does not know the cause, i.e., whether it is a genuine case or due to a medical condition, he/she should go to the dentist for a checkup as it would help to know the cause and would even fasten up the treatment process.

One should always maintain good dental hygiene as it can protect the body from further infections and diseases. Even a slight odor from the mouth should not be avoided as it might have happened due to some medical condition. 
Maintaining good dental hygiene is essential as the mouth is the only way through which food enters the body and provides nutrition. If the mouth is not cleaned regularly, then the body will suffer. So, one should always have good dental hygiene.


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