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Dental Emergencies - Meaning, Causes, And Prevention

Dental Emergency - A Brief Overview

Every human being needs his teeth as it helps to chew even the hardest thing possible while eating. The teeth are the starting point of the entire digestion procedure. Therefore, it is crucial for every person to keep their teeth clean and healthy. This is possible only if an individual takes good care of the teeth. The teeth if not maintained properly can lead to several oral diseases. Such damages are known as dental emergencies.
Dental Emergency
Dental emergencies are a broad umbrella term which is used to describe any issue that involves the teeth and the supporting tissues. These supporting tissues are highly essential for proper functioning of the mouth. Dental emergencies do not necessarily mean pain but act as a universal signal that needs to be addressed. Dental emergencies also include any gum related emergencies or all the mouth related issues faced by a human.

Causes Of Dental Emergencies

There are various causes which lead to dental emergencies. The emergencies vary from smallest problems to the bigger ones. Following are some of the causes which leads to dental emergencies:


A simple cavity is also considered as a dental emergency. The cavity is caused due to the plaque formation in the mouth.
Plaque is the bacteria inside the mouth which turns the wedged food in the gaps of the teeth into acid. This acid damages the teeth and leads to tooth decay in the long run.
Mostly when sugar is not cleared out of the teeth, bacteria gets an ideal breeding ground and can multiply freely.

Cracked Tooth

A cracked tooth is caused due to many reasons. A cracked tooth can be of multiple forms such as craze lines, fractured cusp, cracks that extend into the gums, split tooth and vertical root fracture.
Teeth when ground hard on each other causes pressure and results in the formation of cracks.

Gum Injuries

Gum injuries can occur due to damages to the soft tissues inside the mouth. A sudden tongue bite or a nip at the cheek lining cause cuts and injuries.
People tend to injure their teeth and gums while indulging in any sport related activities. It may, in turn, lead to tooth loss and gum bleeding.

Orthodontic Emergencies

These type of emergencies include trauma or injury to the teeth, face or mouth. The direct hits on the face or the mouth can cause these emergencies.
Even the swelling of the gums or infection in the mouth can be caused due to the bacteria or viral infection in the mouth. This is possible only with the consumption of unhealthy or spicy foods and unclean water.

Prevention Of Dental Emergencies

There are many different oral diseases that have affected human being in our history of existence. Some of them have cures whereas some are incurable. One thing is for certain, and it is that prevention is to give greater emphasis than the cure itself. The following are the preventions of dental emergencies:
     People should brush their teeth twice daily. We all consume at least three square meals a day. Brushing once in the morning and once at night helps to clean the mouth and maintain a healthy lifestyle.
Brush Your Teeth
     Flossing the teeth is also a preventing measure of any dental emergency. Flossing prevents the food particles from sticking in between the teeth and gums. It is also vital to wash the mouth appropriately to keep it clean and fresh.
     People should also avoid chewing hard substances like ice cubes, hard or chewy candy or even using the teeth to open bottles.
     Using mouthwash is also critical. It not only keep the breath fresh but also limits bacterial growth in the mouth.
     Shifting to a healthy diet which is free of any carbon drinks and sweets that are high on sugar content.
     And finally, try to visit a dentist as frequently as possible. Once a month is recommended.

If immediate attention is given to such dental emergencies, then it can be prevented. Hence even Dr. Thomas & Dr. Laurent, Lafayette dentist specialist, strongly suggests that it is essential to take care of the teeth to save pain as well as money in the long run.


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