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Showing posts from June, 2018

5 Evergreen Tips To Help You Take Proper Care Of Your Teeth

Oral Hygiene Oral hygiene is said to be a practice of keeping the mouth healthy and free from dental ailments caused by bacteria resulting in the foul breath. It is done daily to regulate freshness in the mouth and keep diseases at bay. Dental ailments such as cavities, gingivitis, plaque, etc. are some common. Brushing has to be done regularly twice a day to be free from such illnesses. In today's world, tooth decay has become a global problem and to keep the issue in check many dental centers put up campaigns to spread awareness about proper maintenance of the mouth. Despite careless maintenance as a cause other causes being lousy lifestyle such as smoking, chewing nicotine-based products, intake of alcohol results in causing types of oral ailments. As per dentists, they always suggest maintaining oral health as a routine because when problems arise once, you will have to keep making rounds to the dentists until the problem is solved or sometimes a lifetime. Following ar...

A Few Tips To Help You In Maintaining Dental Health And Diet.

Maintaining your teeth will not only help you be confident but also enhances your natural beauty and smile. As we all know, a smile is the purest reflection of beauty, and it is necessary to maintain the glow on the face for a lifetime. The following are the ways through which you can help manage your dental health and also provides you with the proper diet for your teeth. Dental Health How To Maintain Oral Hygiene In Simple Steps For Better Living? Oral hygiene is indeed essential to maintain in everyone's life, and it's a regular process that needs to be followed ever since the beginning of a new day and also at the end of the day. The following are ways through which you can maintain the dental health in easy and simple ways: ●      Brush twice a day and every day, and always adequately spend at least 2.5 minutes for proper brushing and rinsing. Use a good quality brush and do change the toothbrush from time to time depending on the quality of t...

Periodontitis Causes Symptoms Prevention And Treatments

What Is Periodontitis?  With the increase in the number of unhealthy foods, there has been an increase in the number health-related issues. Many of them are oral problems, and among many dental issues present, Periodontitis is one of the significant oral diseases generally referred to as periodontal disease where “Peri” means around, “Odontal” refers to teeth.  It can be broadly defined as a set of inflammatory conditions affecting the tissues surrounding the teeth. It is mainly caused due to bacteria in plaque where the plaque is any sticky substance that forms on the teeth as soon as you have brushed and with the effort to get away from this bacteria, our body releases substances that can have an ill effect on gums or the periodontal ligament.  Periodontitis Or Periodontal Or Gum Diseases This disease in its early stage is referred to as gingivitis and also known as gum disease; This has become a severe dental disease that can even result in tooth loss....

What Are Crooked Teeth And How To Deal With Them?

What Are 'Crooked Teeth'? When the jaws close, misalignment between the teeth of our two dental arches is mainly known as 'Malocclusion' or the problem of crooked teeth.  Father of modern orthodontics 'Edward Angle' coined the term ' Malocclusion ' where 'mal' means 'incorrect' and 'occlusion' means alignment. CROOKED TEETH Causes There are various reasons for misaligned teeth. Some of these are discussed below: ●      Cranial imbalances can sometimes affect the development of jaw, skull and vertebral bones. Due to this, we might have smaller jaws. Having smaller jaws makes it difficult for even normal-sized teeth of adults to grow in proper alignment. ●      Formation of extra large teeth makes the jaw unable to bear the load. Due to this, there might be a shortage of space for those extra large teeth to fit into the jaw. ●      Less number of teeth in the jaw leaves gaps. Due to this, the other teeth p...