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Bite Guards Types Uses and Care

A Bite guard or mouth guard is a protective dental device. It covers the gums and teeth guarding them against injury or impact. Most frequently used to prevent injuries caused during contact sports such as boxing, or as part of the treatment plan for Temporomandibular disease (TMD/TMJ) or Bruxism (Teeth clenching/grinding). It is also used during dental procedures like tooth bleaching. It is known by various names such as mouth protector, mouthpiece, gum shield, gum guard, night splint, occlusal splint, etc.


There are several types of Bite guards available.
  • Ready-made or Over the counter: These are generic Bite guards available in stock sizes. Usually made of acrylic. These offer no customisation option.
  • Boil and Bite Type: these are manufactured from a thermoplastic material in pre-formed shapes. This guard is then heated (boiled) and fitted and refitted to the individual's mouth to adapt to a closer fit. This type is most popular among beginner or semi-professional sportsmen. These provide the much-needed support and protection but lack in comfort when compared to custom-made mouth guards.
  • Custom made: As the name suggests these are custom made for their user. An impression of the user's teeth is taken using dental putty or dental alginate material. This impression is then sent to a lab that specializes in manufacturing custom bite guards. These custom-made guards fit the user's bite and jaw are the most comfortable to wear. Customised fit reduces the chances of slippage during use.

Bite Guards Types Uses and Care
Dentist In Rockdale
  • Sports: The mouth guard is an essential piece of athletic gear that should be a part of an athlete's (amateur/professional) standard equipment. Using a mouth guard reduces the odds of dental trauma up to 60 times. These guards buffer blow or impact that could otherwise result in broken/chipped teeth, jaw injuries, gum injuries, etc. Hence their use is most common in contact sports such as football, hockey, lacrosse, and boxing. In non-contact sports, like gymnastics, skateboarding, ice-skating, etc these help protect gums, jaw, and teeth from dental trauma during accidental slips and falls.
  • Dental treatment
    • These guards or splints are used to reduce stress to the Temporomandibular Joint in Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction. They prevent attrition caused during jaw clenching or grinding for the sufferers of bruxism
    • To deliver topical medication for gum diseases.
    • Invisalign, as a substitute to dental brackets and braces to improve teeth alignment
  • Aesthetic Dentistry
    • During tooth bleaching
    • To protect thin porcelain bridges from wear

Caring for your bite guard

Since a bite guard is placed within your mouth it is essential to take care of it. To ensure that Hygiene is maintained is all times.
  • Rinse before and after each use. Preferably brush with a brush and toothpaste
  • Occasionally (twice a week) clean it in cool soapy water and rinse thoroughly
  • Store and transport the guard in a suitable container that has vents
  • Check for wear and tear and take it along with you to each dental visit so that the dentist can assess it to be fit for continued use
  • Make sure never to leave your mouthguard in direct sunlight or in hot water


A bite guard is an essential protective gear if you or your child play contact sports. Or have noticed signs of Bruxism, kindly consult the best dentist in your region to know which kind of bite guard is best suited to your needs.
We recommend visiting Rockdale Dentist, Dr. David K. Pendelton at Rockdale Smile center. The staff at Rockdale Smile Center is experienced and family friendly. They ensure you have all possible information in the most simplified form, overriding the confusing medical jargon. All patient queries and concerns are dealt with patiently.
Dr. Pendelton is the most highly recommended dental professional in Rockdale. His patients both past and current are so happy with his dedicated service that they frequently bring in their friends and family for consultation. As a result, he is the family dentist to most.
He is, of the belief that knowledge is never-ending and as an extension of this belief, he continues to advance his education. Adding to year's of experience and hands-on expertise.

Related Article: Tooth Whitening/Bleaching - Methods and Risks

His practice is equipped with state of the art diagnostic equipment and tools, for he believes in serving his patients with only the best available tools and techniques.
A bite guard is your best bet against dental trauma, wear, and tear. And we all know prevention is better than cure. Schedule an appointment with Dr. Pendelton, the best dentist in Rockdale to guard that precious smile of yours!


  1. Dr. David K. Pendleton is well-known dentist in Rockdale


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