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Pediatric Dentistry Guide for Parents

Pediatric dentistry is a specialized branch of dentistry, which focuses on the care of the gums, teeth, and mouth of a child right from the birth to the teen years. Its principal occupation also includes educating the parents about all the prevention and the home care that can be given to the child.

Your Child’s First Visit to the Dentist

During the initial six months after birth is when a child gets his/her baby teeth. This is the age when the children should have their first dental visit with a renowned pediatrician. An excellent doctor-patient relationship should be formed at this age so that the child gets familiar and comfortable with his future dental visits. A positive experience in his early visits is very significant as this may affect his future appointments gravely.

Pediatric Dentistry
The child should be encouraged and answered to put them at ease. They should be asked to share their fears and provide comfort in all ways possible. The dental procedures should be explained in such a way that it doesn’t create a sense of uneasiness in the child. Another benefit of making early visits to the dentist is that all the medical and dental records of the child are maintained that can be helpful for future visits.
A lot of parents do not make their child’s first visit until the dental problem has reached its worst stage, which is highly condemned. Dental visits of children (what is a pediatric dentist?) from an early age are equally crucial to that of adults, and so the doctor should be consulted at even slightest discomfort caused to the child. Early detection of any condition is very critical because by taking appropriate measures the tooth can be saved, or any significant complication can be avoided.

Education to parents

The parents should be educated about the following:
  • Preventive home care: The parents are educated about the brushing techniques for children and use of fluorides for caries prevention at home.
  • Oral habits: Children tend to develop dental problems due to ill oral practices, that can be avoided with enough awareness.
  • Caries risk assessment: The parents are educated on how to avoid the formation of caries by appropriate dental care and diet.
  • Information on growth and development: The parents should always be educated about the growth and development pattern of the child’s dentition, and face as a lot of conditions can be cured if acted promptly.

Services by the Dentist

While looking for a dentist for their child, parents should aim for a dentist who has completed his/her bachelor’s degree in dentistry followed by specialization in pediatrics.
Authorities of the dentist include:
  • Diagnosing the oral conditions.
  • Preventive dental care: It includes cleaning of the oral cavity and fluoride application. It also involves diet counseling.
  • Monitoring the habits, growth, and development: The pattern of the child’s growth should be observed to detect and correct any anomaly. Any bad habits of the child, like tongue thrusting, should also be avoided.
  • Preparing a treatment strategy.
  • Filling or restoring all carious tooth.
  • Repair of any injury in a tooth, for example, a fracture or displacement of the tooth.
  • Managing the gum diseases and other lumps or swellings.


A child usually gets scared during his dental visits which is why it is essential to find a good pediatrician that can form a friendly and warm environment for the child. A good dentist should always be able to communicate well with the parent and the child to earn their trust and ease them. A good connection with the kids enables them to be more cooperative during the procedures.
We recommend visiting Milwaukie Dentist, Dr. Kevin Speer at Oak Grove Dental Centre. His practice provides individual care according to the need of the individual. He and his staff make it inevitable that their services exceed the expectations of the patients.

Milwaukie Dentist
The Oak Grove Dental Centre makes sure the problem is precisely identified and provided with optimal care so that the problem doesn't bother the patients in future. He is the most recommended Dental Professional in Milwaukie.

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Dr. Kevin Speer excels in all aspects of dentistry and continues to advance his education by taking courses around the year. He prides himself on being the former president of an international Dental Fraternity. He also has membership in the American Dental Association, Academy of General Dentistry and Oregon Dental Association.
The staff at the Oak Grove Dental Centre prioritizes in making the child’s first visit a positive experience. Dr. Kevin believes in educating the patient and their parents about the treatment and help them form an informed decision. This quality gives him the reputation as the best Dentist in Milwaukie. Book your appointment with Dr. Speer today to gift your child a lifetime of a beautiful smile.


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