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Montgomery Dental Associates - Best Dental Clinic in Rockville

Best Dental Clinic in Rockville
Oral health is an important part of your overall health. Many people tend to neglect their oral health until they face a severe toothache, infection in their gums or tooth sensitivity. Ignoring your it can cause many diseases and infections to develop within your mouth. Apart from brushing twice a day, flossing, and using mouthwash, it is also advised to visit a dental professional for regular checkups.

If you are wondering where you could find an excellent dentist in Rockville, we have you covered. Dr. Mark Hagigi of Montgomery Dental Associates is the Best Dentist in Rockville. He has been taking great care in delivering the best Dental services for over 30 years. His unmatched experience and skills make him the best choice for anybody looking for an exceptional dental professional to take care of his oral health.


Montgomery Dental Associates has a state of the art facility which strives to serve all its clients with utmost care in an extremely professional yet friendly and caring environment. Their services include:

  • Emergency Dentistry - Providing emergency care for various dental conditions
  • General Dentistry - Careful dental examination and evaluation for diagnosis of many dental problems
  • Cosmetic Dentistry - Cosmetic dental procedures to improve the overall appearance of your smile
  • Implant Dentistry - Removal of infected or broken tooth and replacing it with a high quality dental implant
  • Pediatric Dentistry - It is prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of oral health problems in children
  • Invisalign (Orthodontics) - Method of straightening the teeth with the use of aligners to move teeth into a proper configuration
  • Laser Dentistry - Using soft tissue laser to perform various dental procedures much more effectively
  • Dentistry for Seniors -  Providing high quality dental care to senior adults with the help of a caring and experienced team
  • Sedation Dentistry - Sedating clients who prefer to be relaxed or asleep during the entire procedure
  • Sleep Apnea - Evaluating the severity and type of sleep apnea the patient suffers from. If it is obstructive sleep apnea, then procedures are performed to rectify it.


Some of the latest modern technologically advanced dental instruments used by Dr. Mark Hagigi’s Clinic include:
  • Oral Scanner
  • Soft Tissue Laser
  • Digital Intraoral and Panoramic X-Ray Machines
  • Intraoral Cameras
  • CariVU

In-House Dental Membership Insurance

The In-House Dental Membership Insurance provided by Montgomery Dental Associates allows you to save considerably on your dental hygiene services. It also provides you with great discounts on all general and cosmetic dental services. It allows you access to all types of dental care, be it cleaning, exams or even dental emergency for a very reasonable premium.

Why Should You Choose Dr. Mark Hagigi?

Montgomery Dental Associates is arguably the Best Dental Clinic in Rockville. Dr. Mark Hagigi, a graduate of New York University College of Dentistry, strives to provide extraordinary quality of services using the top of the line technology at very affordable prices. He is known for his friendly and caring approach towards his patients. He does his best at putting his patients at ease in the dental chair and alleviating any anxiety. He has been serving Montgomery County, Maryland since 1990. Schedule an appointment with him right Now.


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