Tooth Impaction: Overview
What Is An Impacted Tooth?
An Impacted Tooth is one that failed to erupt either partially or completely to its correct position in the dental ridge and has eventually lost its eruption potential.
Impaction Intensity
In olden times, wisdom teeth were essential. Lack of dental hygiene led to pervasive tooth loss. So when the time came for these third molars to surface at the back of the mouth, there was plenty of space to welcome them.
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Tooth Impaction |
The wisdom teeth, however, have become problematic now. Removal is necessary in most of the cases to prevent problems, especially if the teeth are impacted. Some Commonly Impacted Teeth...
1. Mandibular Third Molar
2. Maxillary Third Molar
3. Mandibular Premolar
4. Maxillary Premolar
5. Mandibular Canine
6. Maxillary Canine
7. Maxillary Central Incisor
8. Maxillary Lateral Incisor
Factors Leading To Tooth Impaction
Local Factors
● Blockage in Tooth Eruption
● Lack of space for a tooth in the dental ridge
● Non-absorbing Alveolar Bone
● Over-retained tooth
● Fibrosis (soft tissue or bony lesions)
● Ulceration in roots
Systemic Factors
● Prenatal cause- Heredity
● Factors linked to Heredity- Osteoporosis, Cleft Palate, etc.
The Wisdom teeth are the ones who mostly suffer impaction. If you visit a Dentist, you may hear your dentist use one or more of these terms to describe them:
● Mesial Impaction
The tooth is angled too far towards the front of the mouth, the most common type of impaction.
● Vertical Impaction
The teeth tend to come in fairly straight, but there isn’t enough room available in the mouth to accommodate them.
● Horizontal Impaction
Teeth that are impacted horizontally are lying on their side.
● Distal Impaction
Distally impacted teeth are tilted towards the back of the mouth.
● Soft Tissue Impaction
The tooth has erupted through the gum.
● Bony Impaction
When the tooth is still covered by the bone but has out of the gum.
Effect on Other Teeth
People do not often realize the issues the wisdom teeth have given birth to until it’s too late. These problems include:
●Damage to neighboring teeth
Crooked wisdom teeth can “crash” into the roots of the adjacent teeth causing structural issues.
Pain, swelling and a stiff jaw are the symptoms of an impacted wisdom tooth.
●Gum infections
Any break through the gum line of the wisdom tooth is a pathway for the bacteria for setting the stage for a gum infection.
●Extensive tooth decay
Impacted wisdom teeth crowd other teeth around them, congesting food particles in these hard-to-reach areas, thus resulting in the extensive tooth decay.
Impacted wisdom teeth are capable of creating a cyst that damages the bone, supporting teeth and as well as the roots of the neighboring teeth.
Indications for Removal of Impacted Tooth?
●Tooth in-line fracture
●Recurrent pericoronitis
●Deep periodontal pocket
●Before undergoing orthodontic treatment
What Methods Should I Adopt For Its Treatment?
All impacted teeth, unless contraindicated, are considered for removal through surgery. Thus, dental elicitations will often take place. The type of elicitation (normal or surgical) depends on the location of the teeth.
For aesthetic purposes, a surgeon sometimes may wish to expose the canine. This may be done through open or closed exposure. Studies reveal both the methods to be equally effective for the patient.
Risks of Non-Intervention
●Re-absorption of adjacent tooth and periodontal status
●Development of pathological problems such as tumors, cysts, infections, etc.
●Crowding of dentition
Risks of Intervention
●Major altered sensation, vital organ contagion, fracture of mandible, maxillary tuberosity
●Minor permanent- periodontal injury, adjacent tooth injury, temporomandibular injury
●Minor transient- sensory nerve alteration, trismus, and alveolitis
What Preventive Measures Should I Take Against
Tooth Impaction?
According to Dr. Mark Hagigi, the best Dentist in Rockville, City in Maryland the scenario today has turned a 360°. People are now aware of the usefulness of dental hygiene.
And thus, the number of tooth-fall has decreased drastically than the past numbers, but you can't help impaction from occurring, but having regular dental check-ups really helps your dentist to monitor the presence and emergence of your teeth. Regular, updated dental X-rays may help identify impacted wisdom teeth before any symptoms develop.
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