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Root Canal: Things To Know About This Endodontic Treatment.

What Is A Root Canal Treatment?

A root canal is a type of endodontic treatment that is done to repair infected pulp in a cavity in the root of a tooth with an inert material. It usually happens when the pulp gets infected with bacteria due to an injury or an untreated cavity. 
Generally, we assume the treatment causes immense pain, but that is quite a misconception as the only target to remove the whole thing without causing any pain. The only discomfort lies throughout the period and the process to get a consultation from an endodontist. 
No one said that the world is fair, and all of us do have the chance to develop dental issues that can only be solved by a root canal treatment.
Root Canal Treatment

What Can Be The Causes Behind A Root Canal?

When bacterial infection and inflammation occur in the root of a tooth due to a cut, deep decay, several dental procedures or any injury caused to the face, it leads to endodontic treatment, only to prevent the soft tissue inside.
Also, it is important to mention what else this might lead to if not taken care:
     The swelling may spread to the other areas of the face like head, neck or face.
     Loss of bone near the tip of the root.
     Drainage issues which extend outward from the root. A hole on the sides of the tooth, which drains into the gums or through the cheek into the skin.

What Are The Symptoms?

Several symptoms alert us to seek the assistance of an expert endodontist for a root canal treatment. These have been jotted down in the form of a list below:
     Experiencing swelling and tenderness in nearby gums.
     A severe toothache while chewing or any external pressure.
     Sensitivity in the form of pain to hot and cold temperature after both the former and the later is removed.
     Discoloration of the tooth, the tooth tends to get dark as a sign.
     Bad breath.
     Formation of a pimple on the gums.
     If your tooth does not feel any pain, then it is quite obvious you do not have any tooth infection.

Methods Of Its Prevention Of Root Canal

Root canal prevention is very much needed, and it is recommended not to take the responsibility to cure it by yourself, but go and visit a certified endodontist. There are certain methods we all can follow to prevent a root canal. The most effective way to prevent it is to fight decay by having a daily dental hygiene routine.
Flossing and brushing your teeth twice on a daily basis is highly beneficial. You should also rinse your mouth after every meal. Avoid having too much of snacks and sweets like chocolates, sugary candies, pastries, etc., the bacteria are inclined towards sugar, and they tend to increase the acidity level. 
Get an appointment if any irritation is noticed and follow the instructions of your endodontist. Also, just like a good oral hygiene habit try to make a dental care schedule as a constant throughout your life.

Treatment Involved

Well, initially painkillers such as paracetamol or ibuprofen might help to reduce the discomfort. But if you experience swelling even after that, you should run to your dentist. The treatment includes the removal of bacteria, also the removal of the tooth if required, from the root canal. 
However, extraction of the tooth is always not needed as anyone would like to keep natural teeth as long as possible. After the bacteria are removed, the root canal will be filled, and the tooth will be sealed letting it heal naturally. A local anesthetic will be applied to you before the procedure; hence, the treatment becomes painless.

So, I hope this article helped to fetch you enough information about the root canal. Teeth are a vital part of a human body as it enhances the beauty when you smile, and we don't wish to take that precious smile away from you. 

Visiting a dentist for the treatment is highly recommended. Dr. Fay Mansouri, a very well known Orange County Root Canal expert, advises that it is necessary for us to go for timely checkups post-surgery to ensure a full recovery.


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