Dental cavities are a problem that is caused by progressive tooth decay (Cavities - Symptoms and causes - Mayo Clinic). Decay starts on the outermost layer of the tooth and eats into it. Even after this layer has been destroyed, you may still not experience any pain or discomfort. That explains why most people visit the dentist after the condition has deteriorated beyond this point.
The formation of a dental cavity is an ongoing process that starts with the formation of plaque in the mouth. The mouth is home to various types of bacteria. Some of these live on sugars, some of which are in the foods and drinks we take. If you don’t brush your teeth regularly, chances are that these bacteria will multiply and start producing acids. In no time, a formation called dental plaque starts to appear. Plaque is essentially a mixture of food particles, acid, saliva, and bacteria.
The next stage of dental decay is characterized by the plaque attacking the enamel. From tiny holes on this layer, this destruction slowly goes to the dentin. From here, the attack is mainly caused by a combination of acid and bacteria.
It is only after the decay has reached blood vessels and nerves in the pulp part of the tooth that pain sets in. you may start experiencing incessant sensitivity and pain when you are drinking or eating something. Once the white blood cells have been involved, abscess starts to form.
Because this problem can be irreversible when it reaches such as stage, there is a need for proper dental care from a specialist. Rose park dental in san jose may help you on how to take good care of teeth and gums.
Although tooth decay and dental caries are not so uncommon, they are very preventable. Visiting the dentist on a regular basis and brushing teeth are the best steps to prevent this condition. On the side of diet, some foods that need to be avoided or at least minimized. Sugary drinks and foods should be avoided, or not eat just before going to bed.
The formation of a dental cavity is an ongoing process that starts with the formation of plaque in the mouth. The mouth is home to various types of bacteria. Some of these live on sugars, some of which are in the foods and drinks we take. If you don’t brush your teeth regularly, chances are that these bacteria will multiply and start producing acids. In no time, a formation called dental plaque starts to appear. Plaque is essentially a mixture of food particles, acid, saliva, and bacteria.
The next stage of dental decay is characterized by the plaque attacking the enamel. From tiny holes on this layer, this destruction slowly goes to the dentin. From here, the attack is mainly caused by a combination of acid and bacteria.
It is only after the decay has reached blood vessels and nerves in the pulp part of the tooth that pain sets in. you may start experiencing incessant sensitivity and pain when you are drinking or eating something. Once the white blood cells have been involved, abscess starts to form.
Because this problem can be irreversible when it reaches such as stage, there is a need for proper dental care from a specialist. Rose park dental in san jose may help you on how to take good care of teeth and gums.
Although tooth decay and dental caries are not so uncommon, they are very preventable. Visiting the dentist on a regular basis and brushing teeth are the best steps to prevent this condition. On the side of diet, some foods that need to be avoided or at least minimized. Sugary drinks and foods should be avoided, or not eat just before going to bed.
If you already have dental cavities, there are chances of being successfully treated. If a cavity has been made, removing the decayed part and refilling it may solve the problem. Root canal treatment is administered if the nerves in the tooth have been affected. It involves the removal of the nerve and refilling in the usual manner.
Sometimes, the cavity in the tooth is so expansive that using a crown or filling is inevitable. Some of the materials used for filling include glass ionomer and amalgam. For crowns, you can use glass, ceramic or gold.
Since tooth decay is an ongoing process, everybody is at risk of developing dental cavities. You can arrest the progression of the decay process by checking on the rate of demineralization. The presence of bacteria may not be easy to prevent but brushing the teeth regularly helps. All in all, visiting your San Jose dentist is your first step towards sustainable dental health. But even if you don’t have the money to cover for the dentist’s fees, simple dental hygiene is quite helpful.Related Article: Get Fabulous New Smile Secretly by a Woodland Dentist
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